How to sign up
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Last updated
If you have an account, click βlog inβ, otherwise sign up via email, Google or open the game as the guest. By default, we see the Home Screen after we have logged in.
The following menu sections are available on next screen:
inventory β here you can find your game items,
market β place for buying and selling game items,
heroes β here you should select farm staff to protect the harvest,
quests β you can complete tasks to sell the harvest and earn,
arena β you can fight with other players protecting yours and destroying other farms to earn,
adventure β you can complete levels to get some items and gold.
To get paid seeds or lands you have to buy BNB, USDT or token GRN from other players, using an in-game market or cryptocurrency exchange. Also you can get GRN from another crypto wallet copying your wallet address. You can buy and sell lands or seeds only in the game, using the market.